I've been pretty absent from the blogging world and I'm going to make a solid effort to change that. You may notice a new title for this little blog of mine. Since I find myself with a lot of extra time on my hands due to my hubbys bustling fishing career, I've decided that instead of focusing on knitting, I'd like to start covering all aspects of the things that interest me. I LOVE to bake and this weekend I'm going to try my hand at baking my first loaf of bread. I'm not using a bread machine or even the fun dough hook that comes with my mixer. Just some good old fashioned manual labor. Yup, I'm going to knead it all with my bare hands. This could turn out to be an epic failure, but if you don't try than you don't know where your going wrong and how to fix it. So stay tuned for all those shenanigans....
On the knitting side of life, Christmas presents are in full swing! So far I've only made a sweater for my beautiful momma! Would love to post some pics, but she may be reading this and it would ruin the surprise. Since she picked out the pattern and yarn, I can tell you it's the Lore Hoodie by Cirilia Rose. It is a great pattern and a fun project for my first sweater. On deck is another sweater for my amazing mother-in-law, a cowl for my stepmom-to-be, some fingerless mitts for my other fabulous mother-in-law and about 10 pairs of socks going to various members of the fam. Let's hope my hands don't get carpal tunnel by the time Christmas rolls around.
Hmmm, what else can I update you on? Some girlfriends and I have started a book club. Our first meeting is on Nov. 2 and we have chosen to read In Leah's Wake. I'm only about 80 pages in, but so far it's a pretty good read.
Gotta run for now, I'll try to post an update on my bread baking skills this weekend. Wish me luck!!